Tuesday, October 26, 2004

2 Weddings, onions & no funeral

...albeit there was close to one given the zombified state of sleeplessness i had to endure for 4 days from work clearance on friday to travelling to KiasuLand for a spot of shopping, family time with long lost, hardly recognizable cozs & cousin's wedding programs (yup, that'll take me right up to monday). Oh yes not to mention a kwikie catch up with a sweet gf to supply her with some gum. Ah-huh, i'll never understand the rationale for such extreme ban measures but oh wells, fine me for jaywalking and exercising my basic human rights to speak my mind & chew gum will ya!
But let's not carried away and get back to the 'aww sob sob' wedding story eh. 2 weddings in the same family held on the very same day and each on the other geographical spectrum of each other. Go figure! And they wonder why lack of communication cause rifts in familes... anyways yours truly & HRH dowager matriach aka mah beloved mamie, became the only delegates and honorable representatives from this side of the non-ks border to grace the bride's auspicious day. Allz i can say is "Wat a Babe!" Ah-huh, i could barely recognize her without her geeky
glasses, goofy grin & casual tees. Oh yeah, Princess Diaries can just chew mickey dust coz my babe cousin don't need no glass slippers to kick Cindy's ass. We'll leave her other half out of this eh albeit it gives a sparkly glimmer to this jaded world that pure, innocent, first love still exists ;P
Here's a toast to first love and a happily ever after to Richard & LuChuen.
My brother & his gf had the privilege of attending the other 'less glam' wedding filled with traditional chinese fanfare north of here, closer to the rolling limehills & in his words "Aiyoh, full of onions. Urgh!" *shakes his head* According to Edwin Mamak's dictionary 2nd ed. Onions = Ah Lians (chinese girls dolled up in 3"make-up, overdyed/ over-blowned hair in cheesy glam outfits more suited to comedie Hkg!) Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join'em. Pick up the mic & do a canto pop number dude *guffaw* yaaaAAAAAMM Seng!


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