Monday, September 19, 2005

The Dunhill Affair

The recent Dunhill affair at the KLCC con centre was a ra rA RA Err?! It had an emptiness amidst all that 'posh-chi-chi' feel it contrived to exude. The decor felt recycled. As Peta so aptly puts it - 'twas a bit like a PC Fair. The acts were a bit over the top. Too bad the crowd was too busy indulging in the free flow of alcohol to appreciate the OZ dance troop with snippets of Chicago & Moulin Rouge. Then again, there's nothing like a glass of champagne or 3 to set you in the right party mood. It was fab to see the guys all decked out in their suits for a change while the girls preened like robins in spring. Was it worth all that trouble just to witness the launch of the new 'button' packs? Afterall it is a very exclusive affair and admittance is by invitation only. Stay out all ye riff-raffs! So yeah, i guess it wasn't all bad even if i wasn't bowled over either. Gimme the "force of nature" to reckon with any day. And yea, this red hot pix is courtesy of Patrick's new 750i *meep meep* Posted by Picasa


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