Yodelling in Yunnan
Climb every mountain, cross every stream...actually in Yunnan's case it's more lakes than streams. The lush, picturesque landscapes mask the poverty of the population consisting largely of a simple, farming community and unsightly holes in the ground where nature calls are answered. I hope it's poetic justice enough to just say that it's like watching the chinese watercolor paintings come to life.
Yup, I've my dad to thank for proving my sceptism wrong and of course his colorful collage of staff for adding mirth and merriment to the holiday. It's not so bad going on a company trip with 31 avid shoppers after all. I just pity the tour guides who have to herd the sheep together especially when punctuality becomes non-existence when you're on holiday! My only gripe is having to start each day at 7am on the rationale that we can squeeze more onto the to-do list for the day. Yech! Smash the alarm clock pur-leeze!
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