Thursday, December 29, 2005

What a Day!

Tonight i'm livin' in a fantasy
In my own little nasty world
Tonight don't you wanna come with me
Do you think i'm a nasty girl?
Tonight i'm livin' in a fantasy
In my own little nasty world
Tonight don't you wanna come with me
Do you think i'm a nasty girl?

Yes? Man, you should've been at the Motorola Private Sessions with Inaya Day at Velvet. We were treated to some mean vocals by Ms Day and got downright 'nasty' on the dancefloor with a couple of Martinis *wink* Cant get enuf? Check out club mashing on

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Friday, December 16, 2005

Yodelling in Yunnan

Climb every mountain, cross every stream...actually in Yunnan's case it's more lakes than streams. The lush, picturesque landscapes mask the poverty of the population consisting largely of a simple, farming community and unsightly holes in the ground where nature calls are answered. I hope it's poetic justice enough to just say that it's like watching the chinese watercolor paintings come to life.

Yup, I've my dad to thank for proving my sceptism wrong and of course his colorful collage of staff for adding mirth and merriment to the holiday. It's not so bad going on a company trip with 31 avid shoppers after all. I just pity the tour guides who have to herd the sheep together especially when punctuality becomes non-existence when you're on holiday! My only gripe is having to start each day at 7am on the rationale that we can squeeze more onto the to-do list for the day. Yech! Smash the alarm clock pur-leeze!

Call it a gateway to a land where time stood still or a portal between the old world & the new or whatever you want but oh nelly, the incredible ancient city of Lijiang is all that a kungfu movie is made of. crouching tigers nor hidden dragons here tho'! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 15, 2005

As close as it gets to the original Shangri-La aka Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. I'd need an oxygen tank if i were to get any closer!  Posted by Picasa

It would'v been something else getting stoned in the forest but being high up there is good 'nuff for me! Posted by Picasa

Dali, renowned for its amazing, 4 season landscapes. Where the mountains meet the lakes in seamless effort of colors and in the evenings, the silhoutte of the mountains blends into the sunset. Its no wonder that all courtships between the sexes revolve round the rolling hills with song & dance. Yup, Maria hit the bulls-eye with the hills being alive with the sound of music! Want to see more pics? Just click below & hit the play button